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Discussion Q & A's of
Class 11

which are the best books for pcm for it jee class 11th which also includes all ncert concepts q&A I want only one for each

like lakmir Singh class 10th which also includes ncert I don't want to stuff lot of books please suggest

Difference between summation and integration

What is the difference between summation and integration?

what is moment of inertia in simple word

Give me answer please

How can I remain energetic and motivated always?

Can someone please help me how can I remain motivated always .I loose my hope and become disappointed very easily

what is concurrent force?

physics , laws of motion

the length of a rod is (11.05+_0.2)cm.What is the length of the two rods?

class 11 physics chapter unit and dimensions

can anyone pls suggest a book of mcq's?

book of mcq's sci medical

thermodynamics in numerically problem

thermondyanmics and equilibrium region question for new answer for example

why there is no computer science in this app

why there is no computer science in this app.....why there is no such type of important things

what. is real output

explain meaning

define astronomical unit


what is integration?

class 11

what are gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

Class 11 biology chapter 8 cell the basic unit of life

Plus one improvement exam result 2017

Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) Kerala declared the plus one improvement results 2017 on 27th September. The result links is upload on the official site.

who was the correct ratio of RBC and plasma

Soham Pattanayak

Practice Mock Test
Class 11