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what is rectifier

what is rectifier

  • Aayush
  • 29 Answers
29 Answers
  • rectifier is a electronic device which convert alternating current into direct current is known as rectifier

  • changes AC current to DC current

  • rectifire is an electrical devices which convert AC to pelcating DC

  • rectifier is a device which is only use for alternative current to do current

  • it converts AC into pulsating DC

  • Rectifier is an electrical device which converts an alternating current into a direct one by allowing a current to flow through it in one direction only.

  • Are you serious? Is this any question to ask

  • A emstrongrectifier /strong/emis an electrical device that converts alternating current(AC) into direct current(DC). the process of conversion of AC to DC is known asemstrong rectification/strong/ /Rectifier uses p-n junction /Rectifier is of 2-types:- half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier.

  • Rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) into Pulsating direct current (DC). This process of conversion of alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) is called rectification.​br /There are two basic types of rectifier on the basic of functionality i.e., half wave rectifier (simplest rectifier with a single diode), full wave rectifier (either uses two diodes and a transformer [centre tap rectifier] or uses four diodes [bridge rectifier]).br /With advent of power electronics these rectifiers further can be classified in many ways, diodes can be replaced by power diodes, OFF-ON cycles can be customized and power handling capacity of these devices can be improved.

  • it is a device used to convert Alternating current to DC

  • it converts AC into DC

  • Rectifier is a device used to convert a.c. to d.c.

  • A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current , which periodically reverses direction , to direct current, which flows in only one direction.

  • A rectifier is a circuit which converts AC to  DC. There are two kinds of rectifiers halfwave and full wave.

  • an electrical device which converts an alternating current into a direct one by allowing a current to flow through it in one direction only.

  • It is an electronic device converts ac into dc form.

  • its an electronic device that convert ac into dc through one way.

  • A rectifier is an electronic device that converts alternating current into direct current which not fully pure DC.

  • a electronic device which converts ac to dc.

  • A rectifier is an electronic device that converts AC to DC. For example, a full wave bridge recifier made of four semiconductor diodes produces a unidirectional current which is required by some electrical appliances.

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