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Practice Tests for Elementary Mathematics Wb Police Constable Prelims Exam

Mixture and Alligation

Profit and Loss

Simplification math problems can be a high scoring area in the Mathematics section of the approaching WB Police Constable Prelims Exam, only if you take this Online Mock Test for practice several times to gain an advantage over other aspirants.

Volume and Surface Area objective type questions can be tricky as there are tons of formulas to remember for various shapes such as triangles, squares, spheres, and other miscellaneous figures. Take this Mock Test Math Quiz to ace the Volume and Surface Area MCQs in WB Police Constable Prelims Exam.

Probability MCQs will include probability distribution, Correlation Analysis, Simple Regression Analysis, and other probability problem questions. The probability of such objective type questions coming in the WB Police Constable Prelims Exam is high, so don't take chances but do take this Online Mock Test.

Ratio and proportion objective type MCQs of quantitative aptitude are useful for WB Police Constable Prelims Exam as proficiency in these questions can be easily achieved by practicing this Online Mock Test.

Frequently asked Average MCQs in WB Police Constable Exam are included in this Online Mock Test here. Practice Youth4work Sample Papers and Online Mock Test Series for Quantitative Aptitude and score well.

General Awareness and General Knowledge

Elementary Mathematics

