if necessary then why it is necessary for plants because both are source of light. plants can take light for making their food from sunlight as well as electric bulb. plz answer th ...
plz tell me most important sample paper for I m get full marks in board exam fastt good and best
pls explain
trigonometry question If you can solve it without any help you will be a topper otherwise you will be a normal student I will give you the answer after 3 days you have a time of 3 ...
a metal which has more expansion than all other metals.
(3k+1)x+3y-2=0,(k²+1)x+(k-2)y-5=0 give answer please i have urgent and give right solution
Why does tooth decay start when the pH of mouth is lower than 5.5
A. Normal B. Line of Refraction C. Line of Incidence D. Line of Reflection
tell me i am confuse
class 10
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as coffee is acid
How to crack CLASS 10th CBSE exam?
I have appeared in CBSE 12th board examination. Now i am eagerly waiting to check my result. When it will be announced?
help me
physics chapter 10 light ncert