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business ethics is known as?


business ethics is known as:

@) principle and moral b) app. of ethics in business c)both a) and b) d) none of these

which of the following strategy focus on issues of production process, materials etc??

A- operational strategy B- business unit strategy C-corporate strategy D- marketing strategy

Iss baar CS foundation me kitne question aayenge?

CS foundation m iss bar ques. 100 ayenge ya 50??

for a car manufacturing company which of the following business process is most suitable for outsourcing??

A- production management B-Quality assurance C-customer relationship D- none of the above

voucher related to?

a) cash receipt b)cash payment c) credit transaction d)@ll the above

Fixed assets are recorded at _______. A. book b. Market value c. Historical cost d. Replacement cost

Fixed assets are recorded at _______. A. book b. Market value c. Historical cost d. Replacement cost

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए