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Jee Main

What is JEE Mains all about and what is the mode of exam?

Who conducts the exam and how many attempts can a student get?

Tips or Tricks for JEE preparation

Share how you prepare for JEE mains...or some crazy tips?

JEE mains paper 2 barch model paper link

Please send me a link for JEE mains paper 2 barch model paper and mentione some websites for practicing purpose.

JEE Exam pattern

Needing help with JEE marking scheme?

Hey guys can somebody please explain me Huygens principle

in context to light waves

Sir please upload jee mains mock test

this is all about jee mains and I want you to upload jee mains paper so we can get exact idea about real scenario of jee

How many years can I take for iit?

My ques.

What is the eligibility for Diploma candidates?

Eligibility Criteria for Diploma candidates

how i study to crack jee mains with 200 marks &more

please tell me some points or tricks

what is the relation between Torr and Bar


is jee 2017 possible with 65%


how to chemistry problem solve n score it.

how to chemistry problem solve n score it.

what is radioactivity.

what is the cut -off for JEE mains ?

what is the cut -off for JEE mains ?

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
Jee Main