can u define type of pointer ??

give name of all type pointer

  • Rajat
  • 30 सितम्बर
  • 5210 दृश्य
  • 12 उत्तर
Your Answer

You need to distinguish the variable and the pointer to the variable. When we declare:
int x;
int *p;
x = 1; // direct assignment to x
p = &x; // the value of p is the address-of x
*p = 42; // assigns a value to the variable pointed to by p
// (in this case, indirect assignment to x)
The variable x has type int; i.e. it is a variable to which we can assign an int directly, or a pointer-to-int can refer to its location.
p is a different variable, with type "pointer to int".
We can set p to the location of x (&x); then
we can store 42 in "the variable pointed to by p".

c programming
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c programming