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I don't have course completion certificate right now.
I applied for Isro scientific/engineer "SC" electrical. I Want electrical systems solved question paper .ASAP possible because 7 may 2017 have exam
Which degree is required to appear in ISRO exam?
if it is what type of aptitude questions
Are they conducted both interview and written?
PromoCode - AOFF83P1358 , Flat 83% Off on ISRO Prep Packs. PromoCode Valid From 15-4-2017 to 16-4-2017 only. Hurry Up!!!
what post can I apply???
previous year selection process for written test and cut off for clearing written exam..
2016 passed out batch stufents are eligible to write the exam and they didn't provide any Degree certificate & Provisional certificate.They will get later ,is it ok?
I am btech Mechatronics in chennai, I'm i eligible for ISRO
what are the subjects related to electrical engineering