this is aswathulla general category obc how many mark should I have get into aims
any where in india
- 2744 दृश्य
- 0 उत्तर
conditions necessary for the formation of organ system - (1) presence of all four basic type of tissues (2) chemical interaction (3) physical interaction (4) all of these
conditions necessary for the formation of organ system - (1) presence of all four basic type of tissues (2) chemical interaction (3) physical interaction (4) all of these
- 7648 दृश्य
- 3 उत्तर
what is expected cut off merit for neet 2017
I have near about 500pts can I get mbbs somewhere
- 2445 दृश्य
- 4 उत्तर
lichen are acellular or multicellular????
NCERT 11 txt it is said that viruses viroid n lichen are acellular but as we know dat they r the symbiotic association of fungi n algae which are Wats correct
- 3957 दृश्य
- 4 उत्तर
A gobar gas plant produces methane & supplies to the families. if a family requires 15,000 kJ of energy per day , how many days will the quota of 10 kg will last. (?c H of CH4 = -1665 kJ mol-1
...please ans fast
- 9552 दृश्य
- 1 उत्तर
[M(aa)2b2] ke kitne geometrical aur optical banege, total isomers kitne banege .
plz... tell me
- 4127 दृश्य
- 1 उत्तर
can anyone tell me what is difference between kinetochore and centromeres
and kinetosome too
- 2889 दृश्य
- 3 उत्तर
CH3C^•H2 isme free radical wale me kya hybridisation hoga.
?????? plz... and dedo.
- 3147 दृश्य
- 4 उत्तर
continuous band of radiation having all wavelength from about 1000angstrong to 10000angstrong is passed through a gas of monoatomic hydrogen. In the emission spectrum, one can observe the entire .
Lyman series balmer series paschen series
- 6017 दृश्य
- 2 उत्तर
downward in group bond angel Inc or Dec NH3>,PH3=,AsH3=SbH3 it's true
plz... tell me about this query.
- 5099 दृश्य
- 2 उत्तर