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Group A Iti Trades

what is the meaning of ups?

what is the ups

The positive pole of battery is made up of

Carbon, zinc, copper, mercury

the lathe machine tool used for

all of them

A zener diode is based on the principle of?

a) thermionic emission b) tunneling of charge carriers across the junction

transistor terminal


Negative electrode or anode of simple voltaic cell is made of


Which tools used to the clearance between the valve and rock arm?

1)_ vaccum gauge 2)_depth gauge 3)_feeler gauge 4)_pressure gauge

try square is specified per lenght and breadth of its blade per lenght of its blade from terminal to the enner end of stock per lenght and breadth of its stock

In a slotting tool, the cutting pressure acts along the ......

A).parpendicular to the tool B)digonal to the tool C) length of the tool D) cutting edge of the tool

for step turning on lathe, the tool to be used.

A - singal point finishing tool B - Threading tool C - singal point roughing tool D - special purpose tool

10 mm=, ? 1 feet =, ? 1 meter=?

for calculation

Divider is used for

1)scriber circle 2)scriaber Ari's 3) tranfaring distances 4)allove the above

File is which types tool ?

A.cuuting B.finishing C.scraping D.grinding

lest count of micrometer..?

ans me

what is ohms law

please answer

मॉक परीक्षण अभ्यास के लिए
Group A Iti Trades