73 Answers
- two wave giving the intensity in the ratio of 9:1produce then find max to min intensity?
- i completed my 12th std in 2016 nw,, am pursuing my BE degree.. but my dream was to be a doctor. am i eligible to participate in aiims entrance exam...???
- how was aiims 2018
- According to the corpuscular model of optics....
1 denser medium have more velocity
2 all medium having same velocity
3 rarer medium have more velocity
4 it is applicable for interference only
- genetic material of E.coli
- can anyone tell me what is difference between kinetochore and centromeres
- which books covers the syllabus of aiims exam
- At this peak time of paper can anybody tell how to prepare for the physics to score 120+ in NEET
- explain CBT it's my first cbt
- What is difference between Taxon and Taxa???
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