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Discussion Q & A's of

what is peat in moss?

in plant kingdom

five kingdom classification by

1-takhtajan 2-linnaeus

What is the value of electron gain enthalpy of Na+ if IE1 of Na=5.1eV?

a. - 5.1eV b. - 10.2eV c. +2.55eV d. +10.2eV

What are tyrosoles???

anatomy of flowering plants.

What are tyloses???


I am a BC -d student how much marks I score in neet

I got 380marks I got the seat in mbbs

what should be the perfect daily timetable for neet

how should I prepare my time table and how many hours should I give to a subject in1 day and what sli should ignore and do while solving the numerical

How to know the rms peak value of an AC?

Can you tell me the answer of a question about rms peak value of an AC?

Is mugging up the only way to score good marks?

people say mug up several things!

How heart functions in embryo?

As we know that heart is build up first when feotus starts maturing.And we are also aware that medulla controls all function of heart.Then how come heart of premature baby works as ...

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