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Practice Tests for Reasoning And Logical Analysis Wb Police Constable Main Exam

Syllogism needs a lot of practice and conceptional clarity, take this online mock test series for WP Police Exam to improve your speed and increase your chances to crack the exam.

Statements and Conclusions questions will test your understanding of the language in subject matter, these objective type questions will be tricky and you need to practice a great deal to nail the WB Police Constable Exam's reasoning section.

Cubes and Dice MCQs are relatively easier to solve in comparison to other reasoning problems and a little practice in this area will make you unbeatable. This Online Mock Test contains all kinds of MCQs relating to cubes and dice.

This section of WB Police constable Online Mock Test contains Statements and Arguments MCQs, which will assess your critical thinking power. You need a clear understanding of language to differentiate between two or more arguments to arrive at a solid conclusion.

Blood Relations questions & MCQs are easy to crack and with a little practice you can become an expert in attempting these objective type questions. Just take this Online Practice Mock Test and prepare well.

Coding decoding will be time consuming in WB Police Constable Main Exams. You need constant practice to crack these questions. Practice with our Online Mock Test series for WB Police Constable Prelims Exam and gain expertise in Coding Decoding questions to save your time and improve your score.

This section of WB Police Constable Exam will test your common sense and application of your mind as to how you will keep sense of directions. The language of these questions will be tricky and confusing, but regular practice can make all the difference. Start this Mock Test and practice hard.

Number Series problems will bring your brain to a standstill if you don't understand how to look for a pattern in the given series of numbers. Effectiveness can be achieved in this area with constant practice, take this Mock Test and start preparing for the WBP Constable mains.

Practice updated and latest verbal-analogy questions for reasoning section that can help you score higher in the upcoming WB Police Constable Prelims Exam, take this Online Mock Test this instant and get cracking!!

General Awareness and General Knowledge


Elementary Mathematics

Reasoning and Logical Analysis