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Discussion Q & A's of
It Ites Sector Skill Council

ROM ka full form

rohit namdev

What is portfolio?


IAS full form

coming soon

full of dos


what is IP address

I don't no

Cdma and GSM difference


full form of TAT


SDLC Stand For

SDLC Stand For

what is nsdc

what is nsdc

NDA full form

NDA full form

what is computer


how to move one sheet to another in Excel without using mouse

how to move one sheet to another in Excel without using mouse

what is email?

electronic mail

how to read delect messages on whatapp

How to read delect message on whatapp

Govt. IT jobs information other than GATE

How can I get the information about all Govt. IT jobs( in which we have to clear Technical Exam only).

mai kysai sekho pura computer ..

software kai baray mai taki mai iss field mai agay badu please u r suggestion mee how can doo this

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It Ites Sector Skill Council