Which material does not forging?
a) cast iron b) steel c) hss d) mild steel
- 59 Answers
59 Answers
- 20 Mar
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- Lathe bed is made of_______?
- Gauge are made of
a) cast iron
b) cast steel
c) alloy steel
d) mild steel
- what is a voltage drop
- To convert circular motion into longitudinal motion which type of bolt is used ?
A) Cotter bolt B) Sheckle bolt
C) Levis bolt D) Eye boll
- petrol engine idling compression ratio
- welder
- least count of vernier micrometer in matric system
- Internal grinding requires the grinding wheel to move _________ .
- what is a illumination
- Single point metric 'V threading tools are checked for its flank angle accuracy
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cast iron