Cadence Exam Details, Selection Process, Interview Questions


Cadence Design Systems Inc. is an American worldwide industry of EDA and building administrations. The organization is a supplier of semiconductor IP, coordinated circuits, the framework on chips, circuit sheets and other electronic plan advances. Cadence Design, headquartered in San Jose, California, creates programming which is utilized to configuration printed circuit sheets, scholarly properties (IPs).


Candidates should go through a three-stage selection process to get recruited in Cadence:

  • Written Exam

  • 2 Technical Interview

  • HR Interview

Written Exam

Academic Criteria

  • Candidate must be a B.Tech.

  • 65 percent in Class X, XII and Graduation.


मुख्य हाइलाइट
Cadence का
90 Minutes
Selection section
3 rounds
X, XII with 65% marks must be a B. tech
NO. Of Question
exam mode

Cadence: Important Dates

Cadence: Eligibility Criteria

Cadence Eligibility Criteria
-In order to appear for the Cadence Recruitment Process, the applicants must fulfill the below-mentioned criteria:
65% throughout (Class X, XII and Graduation).
-Candidate must be from B.Tech stream with a cgpa of 6.5 and above
-Year Gap of not more than 1 year is allowed in the Cadence campus placement procedure.
-There should not be any backlogs
-Students from CSE, IT, ECE & EE branch are eligible for the Cadence recruitment process.
-Proficiency in speaking would be an add on to the other skills.


If there should arise an occurrence of occupation enrollment, a determination is a procedure to pick potential working people for an organization or association. The enrollment process incorporates a choice stage when choices are made with regard to the feasibility of a specific competitor's employment form. It straightforwardly influences the general profitability of an association. A correct determination may expand the general execution of an organization and an off-base one may prompt material and money related misfortune. An ideal determination procedure can assist with picking the most qualified competitors among all candidates. The Process of choosing competitors centers around capacities, information, abilities, experience, and different other related components.


Cadence: Syllabus


1. Analytical ability:

section A of cadence written test paper consists of questions from the Mathematical segment are:

  • blood relation,
  • Number series,
  • Odd one out,
  • Number series,
  • Arithmetic,
  • Profit and loss
  • Geometry, etc. 



The subsequent portion (segment B) of Cadence arrangement paper is the specialized test wherein organization profile job explicit inquiries are being posed. Beginning with c the fundamental spotlight is laid on C++. Inquiries posed from C language in the Cadence situation papers are fundamental and simple when contrasted with C++ so while getting ready for Cadence composed test papers for VLSI inclination ought to be given to C++ particularly to companion capacity, constructors, and legacy. 

Aside from the C, C++ other specialized subjects remembered for Cadence position papers are:



Cadence: Tips and Tricks

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