tell me about exam pattern for walmart exam

can anyone please tell me exam pattern for Walmart exam in detail

  • Anshu
  • 14 मई
  • 2 उत्तर

2 उत्तर
1-2 of  2
2 उत्तर
  • Exam Pattern
    There are 3 rounds in the recruitment process of Walmart. The written exam is of 90 minutes with 13 questions in total. The level of the exam is moderate. The three rounds are as follows:
    Written Exam- Aptitude and Coding
    Technical Interview
    HR Interview

    There are 3 rounds in the recruitment process of Walmart.
    Round 1 is Written Exam- Aptitude and Coding
    Round 2 is Technical Interview
    Round 3 is HR Interview
    ·         The written exam is of 90 minutes with 13 questions in total.
    Aptitude section has questions from the topics related to mathematics and logical reasoning.
    Coding section has 3 questions, where the candidates can choose any language of his choice to write the programs.
    ·. The level of the exam is moderate.
    ·         There is no negative marking in the exam.

    watch our youtube video


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