What is the exam pattern for Mewar University Entrance Examination?

Please give the detailed exam pattern for Mewar University Entrance Examination.

3 Answers
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3 Answers
  • Mewar University Entrance Examination: Exam Pattern
    Mode of exam: Offline
    Time duration:  120 minutes
    Type of questions: Objective
    Total marks: 60
    1 mark each will be rewarded for every correct answer
    General Awareness - 30 questions
    General English - 30 questions

  • This exam conducted is offline mode and have a duration of about 2 hrs 
    There will total 90 objective questions and there is no negative marking and for each correct question there will be one marks each will be given 

    Watch our youtube video:https://studio.youtube.com/video/XX1Osrfjg6l

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mewar university entrance examination