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Common Proficiency Test (CPT) 2017

To test the ability of the students if they have what it takes to an CA they shall pass the test.

  • Neha
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • Council of the Institute Charted Accountants of India conducts Common Proficiency Test (CPT) every year. The test consists of two stages: i) First Session (i.e Morning Session): 10:30 A.M to 12:30 PM which includes the Section A and Section B which is Fundamentals of Accounting and Mercantile Laws respectively. The second session begins at 2 PM to 4PM which includes Section C- General Economics and Section D – Quantitative /An entry-level test for the post of CA, which happens twice a year, i.e June and December for the students who have registered for the Common Proficiency Course. (CPC).br /There are four subjects: Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude with a main focus to test the knowledge and skills of the students. The method of the questionnaire is objective and for every wrong answer there is negative /Maximum marks of the test- 200

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