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CA Final Syllabus

What is the syllabus of CA Final?

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7 Answers
  • strongSyllabus/strongbr /Group Ibr /Paper 1: Financial Reportingbr /Paper 2: Strategic Financial Managementbr /Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethicsbr /Paper 4: Corporate and Allied Lawsbr /Section A: Company Lawbr /Section B: Allied Lawsbr /Group IIbr /Paper 5: Advanced Management Accountingbr /Paper 6: Information Systems Control and Auditbr /Paper 7: Direct Tax Lawsbr /Paper 8: Indirect Tax Lawsbr /Section A : Central Excisebr /Section B : Service Taxbr /Section C : Customs & Foreign Trade Policy

  • strongExam Pattern/strongbr /The examination application fees is INR 10,000/-br /CA Final examination is held twice a year, in June and /Admit cards are released 15 days before the /Final has subjective type /There are two groups with each having 8 /strongSyllabus/strongbr /Group Ibr /Paper 1: Financial Reportingbr /Paper 2: Strategic Financial Managementbr /Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethicsbr /Paper 4: Corporate and Allied Lawsbr /Section A: Company Lawbr /Section B: Allied Lawsbr /Group IIbr /Paper 5: Advanced Management Accountingbr /Paper 6: Information Systems Control and Auditbr /Paper 7: Direct Tax Lawsbr /Paper 8: Indirect Tax Lawsbr /Section A : Central Excisebr /Section B : Service Taxbr /Section C : Customs & Foreign Trade Policybr /emstrongTO KNOW MORE ABOUT, a rel='nofollow' href=""click here./a/strong/em

  • Curriculum for Final Course Group I Paper 1: Financial Reporting (100 Marks) Paper 2: Strategic Financial Management (100 Marks) Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (100 Marks) Paper 4: Corporate and Allied Laws (100 Marks) Section A: Company Law (70 Marks) Section B: Allied Laws (30 Marks) Group II Paper 5: Advanced Management Accounting (100 Marks) Paper 6: Information Systems Control and Audit (100 Marks) Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws (100 Marks) Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws (100 Marks) Part-I: Goods and Services Tax (75 Marks) Part-II: Customs & Foreign Trade Policy (25 Marks) 

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