Key Highlight
of Class 10
Date of Exams:
Will be announced
Passing Criteria: 33% marks (both internal assessment & Board exam combined)
Application fee: None

CBSE Class 10 Exam Pattern
Students will be exempt from the separate pass criteria for the academic. It has been confirmed that for the academic session there will be no CCE scheme. In other words, the Class 10 All India Secondary School Examination will be conducted in the “old fashion” of exams, which is, at the end of the year. The good news here is that students of class ten will be exempt from the criteria of passing separately in internal assessments and Board exams. CBSE has confirmed that students need to secure overall 33% marks (both internal assessment & Board exam combined) in a particular subject to pass.
With the reintroduction of mandatory board exams in CBSE Class 10, a major change brought to the assessment scheme is that the CBSE board will conduct the class 10 exams of 80 marks for each subject. This board exam will cover the100% syllabus. The other 20 marks are kept with schools for internal assessment (IA).
IA comprises:
·         Periodic Tests (PT) with the weightage of 10 marks each
·         Notebook Submission of 5 marks
·         Subject Enrichment Activities of 5 marks.

Mathematics Syllabus: 
There will be four sections; A B C D 
Section A will have 1-6 questions of one mark each.
Section B will have 7-12 questions of two mark each.
Section C will have 13-19questions of three mark each.
Section D will have 20-30 questions of four mark each.
Total marks: written 80 + IA 20
Science Syllabus:
Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour, World of Living, Natural Phenomena, Effects of Current, Natural Resources
There will be two sections; A B
Section A will have questions 1-2 for one marks each, questions 3-5 for two marks each, questions 6-15 for three marks each and questions 16-21 for five marks each.
Section B will have questions 22-27 for two marks each.
Total marks: written 80 + IA 20
English (Language and Literature) Syllabus: 
Reading, Writing and Grammar, Literature 
There will be three sections; A B C
Section A will have questions 1-2 for total of 20 marks.
Section B will have questions 3-7 for total of 30 marks.
Section C will have questions 8-11 for total of 30 marks.
Total marks: written 80 + IA 20
Social Science Syllabus: 
India and the Contemporary World – II, Contemporary India – II, Democratic Politics – II, Understanding Economic Development
This exam will have a total of 27 questions:
Very short questions,
short answer questions,
long answer questions &
map questions on history and geography.
for 1, 3 & 5 marks.
Total marks: written 80 + IA 20

Tips and Tricks for class 10 Board Exam 
•             You need speed to finish class 10 Board Exams within prescribed time limit. Go through the topics in syllabus and start with the ones that you are good at. Practise mathematics problems by memorising formulas to become faster. Also, maintain separate practise notebooks for separate exams.

•             Make mathematics your strong suit, practise questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. The trick here is to mug up math formulas by heart, so they come in handy while solving a problem.

•             Become smart by attempting questions that you are sure of first, then come to the questions you’re in doubt. But do attempt them anyway, remember negative marking is not a factor here. Therefore, try to attempt all questions.

•             Manage your time properly; give appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practicing as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.

•             Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.

•             It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

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