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what is the probability of getting 53sundays in leap year????

it is trickkkkky

  • Shruthi
  • 3 Answers
3 Answers
  • 2/7

  • 2/7

  • Number of days in a leap year =366 days =52 weeks and 2 daysbr /br /Now 52 weeks contain 52 Sundays and the remaining two days will be one of thebr /br /following seven possibilitiesbr /br /(Sun,Mon) (Mon,Tue),(Tue,Wed), (Wed,Thu),(Thu,Fri),(Fri,Sat) and (Sat,Sun)br /br /The probability of 53 Sundays in a leap year is the same as the probability of gettingbr /br /a Sunday in the above seven possibilitiesbr /br /Required probability is 2/7

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