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If cosA+cos^2A=1 then prove that sin^12A+3sin^10A+3sin^8A+sin^6A+2sin^4A+2sin^2A-2=2

trigonometry question If you can solve it without any help you will be a topper otherwise you will be a normal student I will give you the answer after 3 days you have a time of 3 days to solve it

  • Akshit
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • cosA+cos^2A=1 cosA=1-cos^2A cosA=sin^2A =sin^12A+3sin^10A+3sin^8A+sin^6A+2cos^2A+2sin^2A =(sin^4A+sin^2A)^3+1 =(cos^2A+sin^2A)^3+1 =1+1 =2 L.H.S=R.H.S Hence proved

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