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how to solve mathematics mcq with short prieod of time

by using any short cut method

  • Sourava
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • If(p+q)th term of an ap is m and (p+q)th term is an then pth term is

  • they do not come in cbse latest board exam pattern so don't worry

  • Calculate roughly and find approximate/nearabout answer mentally without solving on paper.  For this you have to be confident in (a) Square up to 30.  (b) Cube up to 15. (c) Finding Square Root by short cut /More over it needs much practice and hard work with concentration. Practise this and get the amazing results.

  • 1.strongElimination Method/strongbr /In this method, I would eliminate those options which are not relevant or odd with the question asked or among the choices given in the choices of /2.strongClose Answers/strongbr /Then sort the rest options according the more possible to the least possible /3.strongTick the Answer/strongbr /In this part after sorting from more to least expected one, make sure if you could apply any logic of subject or any other analyzing you can do so. Tick the one which is more relevant and highly expected one.

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