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Practice Tests for Business Studies (Commerce) Class 11

Try to give our mock test on emerging modes of business which is the part of business studies and they are for commerce stream candidates, try out our online test for practice purpose.

Get score and analysis of your performance instantly and improvise your overall business studies performance with International Business Online Mock Test. The international business is the part of business studies in commerce stream.

Our experts help the candidate by providing them with some online mock tests for practice; you will get the business services in business studies subject of commerce in CBSE class 12.

Try to give our mock test on small businesses. You will get a detailed analysis of your performance so that you can improve and hit back in next attempt.

Score well with free online Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics mock test. Compare scores with the best candidates online and develop a preparation pattern to cover maximum practice paper in less duration.

Try to give our mock test on business studies topic private, public, and global enterprises. You will get a detailed analysis of your performance so that you can improve and hit back in the next attempt.

Get score and analysis of your performance instantly with Internal Trade Mock Test. Internal trade topic comes under business studies subject of commerce stream.

This mock test is dedicated to the topic of Sources of Finance. Attempt the latest questions, available here, to know your problem areas and practice in the best way possible.

Practice along with Business Organisation Mock Test Papers. You will get a detailed analysis of your performance so that you can work upon the betterment.

This mock test is dedicated to the topic of Business Nature. Attempt the latest questions, available here, to know your problem areas and practice in the best way possible.





Business Studies (Commerce)

Accountancy (Commerce)

Economics (Commerce)