Jamia Milia Islamia MBA: Exam Pattern, Syllabus and Details

Every year, Jamia Milia Islamia University conducts JMI entrance test, to offer admissions to the aspiring candidates into various courses as offered by the university. Likewise, Jamia Milia Islamia University conducts JMI MBA entrance test to offer admissions to the aspiring candidates into various MBA programs. Applications for JMI MBA were closed on 25 March 2020. JMI MBA 2020 is expected to be conducted in the month of June 2020, tentatively. It is advisable to all the candidates to go through the exam pattern and syllabus described by the conducting authority, before starting their preparations. 


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Key Highlight
of Jamia Millia Islamia Mba
Application Fee:
Rs. 700/-
Educational Qualification:
Aspirants willing to apply must have qualified their bachelor's degree with minimum 50% aggregate.
Exam Date:
June 2020
Exam Duration:
180 minutes
Number of Sections:
English Comprehension Quantitative Ability & Numerical Ability Data analysis & data sufficiency General Knowledge
Declaration of Result:
Expected to announce in Jun 2020
Marking Scheme:
1 Mark for each correct answer -1/4 Mark for each wrong answer

JMI MBA Important Dates:

  • Application begins-   21 Feb 2020
  • Last date to apply-  25 Mar 2020
  • JMI MBA 2020- June 2020
  • Result declaration- Jun 2020 (Expected)

JMI MBA Eligibility Criteria:

JMI MBA Exam Pattern:

  • Mode of exam: Offline 
  • Type of questions: Objective
  • Number of questions: 170
  • Duration: 180 minutes
  • Sections:
    • English Comprehension
    • Quantitative Ability & Numerical Ability
    • Data analysis & data sufficiency
    • General Knowledge
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUo64MfhMhw

JMI MBA Syllabus:

  • English Comprehension
  • Quantitative Ability & Numerical Ability
  • Data analysis & data sufficiency
  • General Knowledge

Preparation Tips for JMI MBA:

  • You need to finish 4 sections within 180 minutes, which means you need speed with accuracy in order to attempt 170 questions in total. The more you practice, the better chances you have of acing this exam.
  • Make numerical ability and reasoning your strong subjects, practice questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. You should lay emphasis not on mugging up the formulas but instead try understanding the concepts, so, you can modify the formulas according to the question requirement.
  • Remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, try not to attempt questions that put you in doubt.
  • Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFD43UPfEcU

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