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chapter 10 sale of goods act 1930

in case of excess delivery i.e. more than the contracted quantity the buyer can- (a) Reject in full (b) accept the contract quantity and reject the excess (c) accept the whole (d) Either (a) or (b) or (c)

  • Shruti
  • 14 Answers
14 Answers
  • d is the right answer because buyer has options either to accept full amount of good or reject full amount of good or partly accept or partly reject the goods

  • d

  • d)

  • d)

  • D

  • d

  • D

  • d is the right answer as bcoz its buyer's choice to retain those all goods,retain those goods which he/she ordered or reject all the goods

  • d is the right answer as bcoz its buyer's choice to retain those all goods,retain those goods which he/she ordered or reject all the goods

  • D

  • d

  • d

  • b

  • d

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