for guidance
hii I am lawanya. I am appearing for Dec 17 attempt .. I am module .. hv started revision but I am bit tensed because the syllabus is very huge and the marking scheme is also tough . so if u guys help me ..I will be very thankful to u .??
- 2 Answers
2 Answers
- please tell me the eligibility of cs executive ppr
- hi am harish shanbhag
which is a important chapeter in company accounts in cs executive
suggest me
- New portion 2018 is out. is it beneficial for me to convert to new syllabus right now? or should i attempt to pass in old syllabus?
- which CS executive new syllabus tax laws mcq book is good ????
- What are the best reference books CS executive Module1 OMR based papers(C&Maccounting,
- very less mcq in industrial and labour laws minimum 5000 mcq should had been there and even not even single case laws questions are there , very less effective from exam point of view ,
- what is the answering pattern for economic and commercial laws and company law.?how can i get passing marks for these subjects?
- hi I am vignesh appearing for both groups in December 2017. now there is New amendment abt GST in 4th paper . how to prepare ?
- I am akshita.1 am appearing for cs executive Dec 2018 module 2 I am doing self study so can anyone help me with corporate management accounts and financial strategic mang notes
- I Am Old Syllabus Student Sir.
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