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CDS preparation

I am a IMA aspirant but I am not good in maths. Please help so that I clear the cut off for maths?

  • Shiva
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • Hi there! 1- don't be afraid of maths! You are weak in maths, agreed don't let it bother you! You learn when you start trying! Mistakes transform you! So keep trying. 2- in CDSE the maths paper are pretty basic. Don't worry the questions are not on calculus and complex numbers. It has just the basic questions. Look at last year's paper. 3- Try solving Trigonometry, Algebra, Mensuration, and problems related on age work. Just look at previous year's paper and you will come to know where you can score. Again I'll tell you Weakness is nothing but ignorance of knowledge. Work hard, stop calling yourself weak, and see you will definately clear CDSE! Good Luck!

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