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If i haven't any of the NCC certificates.. would it affect my selection?

should i join ncc?

  • Kaustubh
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • Hellobr /br /The selection of candidates in all three wings are done through three stagebr /1)written exambr /2)SSB interviewbr /3)medical fitnessbr /br /But if you have the NCC certificate then you can apply for direct SSB interview,that is the candidate will be exempted from the written exam stage,it will be a two stage process of selection for the /br /CDSE is a three stage process and there is no link between CDSE and /So basically you just have to clear one more stage .

  • No it really don't affect your selection because there are usually three stages for the selection in any particular wing of the defence,that is in army,air force, /The stages arebr /1)Entrance exam 2)SSB(Service Selection Board) Interview 3)Medical /br /CDSE-Combined Defence Service Examination-is a entrance exam which the candidates need to qualify to get in to the next stage that is the interview /Now if you have the NCC certificate,then you will be directly called for the SSB interview,means it will be a two stage process for the NCC certificate holders.

  • No it won't. Bcoz having a NCC will just favour you while writing your PIQ. So it is not necessary to have NCC. If you are doing your PI and psychology well then there are very good chance of yoir recommendation.

  • Yes it "ll affetct in your selection because its mandatory.According to the new rules, you need to attend a total of 40 parades (with at least 80% attendance) in 2 years to be eligible for "B" certificate exam.  Also, you need to attend one camp

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