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while doing B.Sc am i eligible for giving nda exam paper ?

plz help

  • Alok
  • 6 Answers
6 Answers
  • yes but in age limit and you have 60 percentage in 12th

  • Here a age limited for nda

  • you can apply for NDA if your age 16 half to 19 half

  • depends on your age limit

  • yes, You are eligible.

  • You can not apply for NDA any more as your age limit is over /You can apply for CDS but you need to complete your degree for that.You can apply for CDS in your final year of graduation and thereafter till the age limit crosses.The age limits are different for different modules of /IMA- age limit 19-24years.Graduate in any streambr /OTA- 19-25years and Graduate in any /INA - 19-22years age limit. B.E/B.Tech or degree in Physics or /AFA - 19-23years age limit. BE/B.Tech or Graduate in any subject but must had Physics and Maths at 12th level.

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