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can u tell something about maths how can i study for it??

plzzz help

  • Sagar
  • 7 Answers
7 Answers
  • I m going to make a class online u can join it

  • if you are not from Science background then you must join any coching classes for /if you are from science background then you must be aware from all the topic of /just practise more and more sum and always try to write formulas in every sum which will help you to remeber the formulas because  if you think first you will learn all formula then you will go for sum. its good but there have chances to forget the formula but if you practise those formula while doing sum then you don't need to remeber them and never will forget them too.

  • solve NCERT book first and then the previous years paper and even then if you have much time you can buy any additional book like RD objective.

  • learn all formula and do basic questions first then math is for you

  • sure

  • study with tricks


  • first learn all the formulaes and then look at the concept of each and ever topic and then do the examples of the particular question and at the last do the unsolve dquestion and make sure do the math practise dialy 

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