Key Highlight
of GATE Electronics And Communication
Exam Date:
1st, 2nd, 8th & 9th of February 2020
Admit Card:
3 Jan 2020
Result Date:
16 March 2020
Application Fee:
Female candidates / SC /ST /PwD* category candidates: Rs. 750 /- All other candidates: Rs. 1500 /-
Marking Scheme:
1 or 2 Mark : For each correct answer -1/3 or -2/3 Mark : For each wrong answer
Exam Pattern:
65 questions carrying 100 Marks

GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: Important Dates

  • Application Form Starts from: 3 Sep 2019
  • Last date to fill the application form:  28 Sep, 2019
  • Last date to correct the application form: 25 Nov, 2019
  • Downloading of admit cards: 3 Jan, 2020
  • Online Examination: 1, 2, 8, 9 Feb 2020
  • Result of Online Exam: 16th March, 2020

GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: Eligibility

  • Bachelor's Degree in B.Tech/B.E/B.pharma.

GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: Exam Pattern

GATE Examination is of 65 questions for 100 marks in total. The duration is of 3 hours. The questions are in the MCQ form. It is a Computer Based Test (CBT). The sections divided in the papers are:

  • General Aptitude- There will be 10 questions. 5 questions for 1 mark each: 5 questions for 2 marks each. In total, this test consists of 15 marks.
  • Technical Section- There will be 25 questions. Each question for 1 mark, where the section is of 25 marks in total.
  • Electrical Engineering- There will be 30 questions. Each question for 2 marks, where the section is of 60 marks in total.
  • 1 mark MCQs – 1/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • 2 mark MCQs – 2/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong response.

GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: Syllabus

  • General Aptitude- Study logical reasoning and english grammar topics.
  • Technical Section- Revise technical coding and software topics.
  • Electrical Engineering- Engineering Mathematics, Networks, Signals, and systems, Electronic Devices, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuit, Control systems, Communications, Electromagnetics​​

GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: Tips and Tricks

  • Candidates must attempt questions carefully.
  • Candidates must revise their college-based concepts.
  • Take online mock tests to know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Candidates must practice placement papers and mock tests to prepare well.
  • Prepare the list of important definitions, equations, derivations, theorems, laws in every subject.
  • Pay more attention while attempting linked and common data questions.

Youth4work Prep Tests

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