What is corona?

One type of hissing sound, glow purelt violet, produced ozone gas, means corona

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5 Answers
  • Corona  is a kind of variable power loss in transmission lines, caused by the ionization of air molecules near the transmission line conductors. These air molecules once ionized carry charge, in form of current with them, resulting in hissing or crackling sounds with  glowing streaks of red or blue light. These losses are variable because unlike losses due to resistive loads, these losses vary with rain, sunlight, atmosphere, concentration of molecules and types of molecules present at a particular place.

    An important factor to reduce corona discharge is to increase the radius of conductor, but increasing conductor radius, increases cost of transmission. Sometimes losses can even be greater than 25kW/km.  

  • it's a type of energy present around sun and other stars. the scattering is also called corona mass ejection. the temperature of corona is more than that of stars.

  • In astrophysics corona refers to the outermost atmoshere of the Sun. It is basically an aura of plasma at very high temperature ( a few million kelvins ) and very low density (10^-12 times that of photosphere) which is visible in solar eclipses.

  • corona is an chemical effect.it is ionization of gases surrounding the conductor.

  • the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars. The sun's corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse, when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disc of the moon.

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