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I want to start preparation for gate. so plz tell me how can I???

M 2nd year electrical engineering student

  • Lalit
  • 3 Answers
3 Answers
  • I will say start clearing your basics firstly start with electrical networks as it's the base of electrical engineering and also occupies a wide range of questions. Clear your EMFT basics so that subject electrical machines creates less problems. The basics of power systems and measurements plays a vital role and go for subjects like signal and systems analog digital electronics as they questions surely come from them and try solving mix questions as they come in examination and always lay emphasis in learning eng.mathematics as it comes of good marks

  • Know strongGATE/strong Syllabus Firstbr /Design Your Study Plan,br /Study Standard Books No Need to Buy Read Online,br /Solve Sample Papers, Prepare Notes Simultaneously,br /Enroll to Online Mock Tests, br /Maintain Consistencybr /Study in group; help each other to help /Don't buy too many books, buy some quality books like gateacademy's EE series /Write technical exams, during preparation too one can write these /Manage your time well, memorize formulae and numerical /Divide syllabus into sub-topics, allot fix time to each sub-topic, for example, 20 minutes per /Experiment with questions and find new tricks to solve questions. Revise /Good Luck!

  • For 2nd, 3rd year. Apply the same strategy for the core subject of your gate syllabus. Try to understand every concept and fundamentals through questioning everything by why or how etc. Make good rapport with teachers and clear your doubts at fundamental levels. In the mean time keep practicing the prev. year question papers and analyze your mistakes for each question in every subject.


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gate electrical engineering