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what is surge impedance ?


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8 Answers
  • The strongsurge impedance/strong is the ratio of voltage and current at any point along an infinitely long line.

  • the load is delivered with negligible resistance when the load is at unity powerfactor

  • impedance at which sending end voltage is equal to receiving end voltage is equal surge impedance

  • Surge Impedance is nothing but impedance of a lossless line.

  • surge imp is equal to the load imp then we get power factor as unity .formula is square root of L/C or AB/CD or z/y.means it matches with load imp then reduces the effect of L and C in transmission line makes the network as resistive(upf)

  • surge impedance is depends on the per kilometer values of inductance and capacitance values and it is independent of line length

  • In a transmission lines the reactive vars observed are equal to reactive vars generated

  • impedence at which capacitive volt amperes become equal to inductive volt amperes.

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