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I wish to appear in GATE, Can anybody suggest if I should go for some coaching or study by myself, and if so , how should I start?

help is needed ; urgent

  • Rishanshi
  • 14 Answers
14 Answers
  • If your college is in area from wherecoaching is near the join it otherwise go for online course and buy notes of made easy and practice gate previous yr question

  • U can do by ur own also otherwise if u Instersted in coaching u can start.

  • Believe in yourself, There are many gate classes like MADE EASY, which give quality studies for the students.. If you are interested, then you must go to the coaching.. All The Best.

  • Coaching and self study both have advantages and disadvantages of their /coaching gives you better conceptual understanding, immediate doubts clarification available by the teachers, forming study groups and discussing doubts with them.And there may be financial problem for those who cannot afford the high prices for the institute coaching and staying in hostel may have effect on your health, and also the disturbance in hostel due to other hostel /and coming to good coaching institutes I found ACE and MADEEASY are good coaching /In self studying you can learn from standard books, NPTEL lectures, youtube videos etc., if you already have  good knowledge in the topics, you can go for self studying, where you should not forget the revision and test series part which play a major role in success of a candidate preparing for the examination.

  • Self Study is the only key to crack any entrance exam,so by joining any coaching will be very hectic & one cannot devote proper time in self study.U should prepare it by can start with the online tutorials for the paper & also u can purchase the whole course books from Made Easy.Later u can take  the mock tests in the month  of December & January.

  • First of all do one thing just pick up last 10 year GATE question papers and solve 2 question paper daily on time basis, then analyse yourself after each paper , write down the topics in which you are lagging and unknown about. Now if you have around cutoff marks then prepare by yourself. Get help from your professor and youtube videos for preparation, I am sure you will have good score . But if you are far below cutoff then go out for good institute because GATE is really tough exam but possible to score if you are prepared well. you can also take help of online tutors from youtube free of cost . I had given GATE 2018 ECE by myself and I found that it really needs well preparation as well as guidance.

  • yes joining coaching will help you clear GATE exam. self study is a bit tougher.if you cant afford coaching and if you have time there are youtube videos that may help you.try them if you have time


  • you can decide by taking an online test for it....if you score good marks there is need for you to join the clases and if your marks are not so good you can join the clasesbr /Now if you want to prepare by yourself ....First of all you should be clear in the mathematics subject...Practice is required for this /Try and improve your APTITUDE it is common part of any enterance exam you appearbr /Your basic and fundamental of all your core field subject should be clearbr /br /Now you can issue any GATE book from library and daily spend 1.5-2 hours solving the /After every 2 weeks give the online test and check your growth 

  • Coachine will ofcourse help you. But if you are confident enough and have 2 years time to practise you can prepare your own

  • Better to prepare by joining in Institution so that they know about what to teach you and you can get idea about cracking in gate exam 

  • you should join in coaching.The reason behind this is so many concepts are there in gate which may not known by you.whenever u pay 100%attentin to the classes and prepare everyday then definitely u will reach your goals

  • if ur able to answer all the subjects then no need or else better to go for coaching

  • Get right books and study by yourself.

  • As my point of view you should join coaching for GATE preparation it will help u alot, join top coaching classes like, Made easy or Gate forum these classes are good for GATE preparation.

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