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What are the major subject for ECE in GATE ?

Mojar subject in GATE ?

  • Ram
  • 11 Answers
11 Answers
  • strongSyllabus/strongbr /General Aptitude- Study logical reasoning and english grammar /Technical Section- Revise technical coding and software /Electrical Engineering- Engineering Mathematics, Networks, Signals, and systems, Electronic Devices, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuit, Control systems, Communications, Electromagnetics​​.br /emstrongTo know more, CLICK a rel='nofollow' href=""GATE EC PLACEMENT PAPERS./a/strong/em

  • 1. Signals & Systemsbr /2.Network Analysis & Synthesisbr /3.Control Systembr /4.Fundamentals of Electronic Devicesbr /5.Electronics Circuitbr /6.Principle of Communicationbr /7.Control Systembr /9.Integrated Circuit Technology

  • 1.microprocessor and microcontroller 2.Digital electronics 3.analog electronics 4.signals and systems 5.Digital signal processing 6.control system theory

  • The basic of all subjects is required for gate but usually thr second year basic subjects are important. Electromagnetics, integrated cricuits,Digital Electronics, Signals And Systems, Control System, maths

  • Communication system ,emt ,analog electronics ,mathematics ,contorl system are major subject in gate as mark weightage is more in these subject in comparison to other

  • Micro electronics Integrated circuit

  • Though all the subs are important,br /but the major subs are,br /Digital Electronics,br /Analog Electrinics,br /Signals And Systems,br /Control System andbr /Communications..

  • 1. Communicationsbr /2. Signals & Systemsbr /3. Electronic Devicesbr /4. Electromagnetic Theorybr /5. Control Systemsbr /6. Digital Electronicsbr /7. Analog Circuitsbr /8. Network Theorybr /9. Engineering Mathematicsbr / 

  • First of all GATE exam is combination of general aptitude and technical subjects 1.Network theory 2. signals & systems 3. control system 4. analog circuits 5. digital circuits 6. communications 7. electronic devices & circuits 8. electromagnetics.


  • The major subjects for ECE according to decreasing order as follows: 1)ELECTROMAGNETISM 2)MATHEMATICS 3)COMMUNICATION 4)ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 5)SIGNALS AND SYSTEM 6)NETWORK THEORY Other remaining such as digital electronics and microcontroller are asked for only 4-6 marks.

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gate electronics and communication