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How I should start prepare for gate


  • Manish
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • Start with watching the interviews of last year toopers, then you will get a brief idea about the books you should check. br /Use GATE tutor 2018 of ARIHANT, its great book, br /Solve previous year gate paper as much as you can,br /Join online test series(at least 2) out of MADE EASY, GATEFOURAM, ACE, /Plan a fixed schedule and follow it with discipilne,br /Most of all have faith n yourself(the most important tool) /Best of luck.

  • Start from the NCERT book read the NCERT book thoroughly then go to the other side books Practice topic wise previous GATE questions after understanding the each need to go through the syllabus,..Practice more tests, identify the weaker topics in each test and revise them.

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