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what is difference between torque and moment of force


  • Vishal
  • 6 Answers
6 Answers
  • torque produces rotation whether moment produces bending. torque= shear force × radius moment= force × distance most important is that... torque is origin dependent but not momemt

  • Moment is described as the product of magnitude of force and perpendicular distance of line of action of force with respect to an reference axis while torque is defined as twisting moment

  • Torque Of a Force:If The Force has tendency or Bends The Body about Longitudinal axis of the Body it is Torque. Moment Of a Force :If Force has Tendency to or Rotates the Body about Transverse asis the Body It is Moment .

  • moment of force basically causes bending and that of torque it causes twisting which results in shear forces

  • By definition, Moment is a quantity that represents the magnitude of force applied to a rotational system at a distance from the axis of rotation.Mathematically, it can be represented by a cross product of a bound vector emvec{v}/em at a position emvec{r} /embr /When 2 equal and opposite forces are applied through a distance, the resultant sum of vectors is zero. It is also referred to as a strongcouple/ /Therefore, Torque can also be called as the moment of a couple. This implies thatem /emstrongemtorque is a special case of Moment/em/strongem, /emsuch that it relates to the axis of rotation driving the rotation, while moment relates to being driven by external force(s) to cause the rotation.

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