What is the exam pattern of IIT-JAM 2018 exam ?

Question paper how it divide it parts , it marks criteria ,negative marking

  • Nitin
  • 15 Jul
  • 3 Answers
Your Answer

Exam Pattern
·         Jam is a Computer based online test.
·         There are seven subjects in Jam and a student has to select at most two subjects.
·         Each subject has its own paper which means each student has to give at most two papers.
·         It is an English medium exam with the duration of 3 hours for each exam.
·         Each subject has 60 questions and the total marks for each paper is 100.
·         These 60 questions consist of 30 MCQ, 10 MSQ, and 20 NAT questions.
The only section with negative marking is the MCQ section.

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