- 07 Aug
- 0 Comment
syllabus of 11th is 20 to 25% ask............................................................................... syllabus of Std. XI as mentioned below:............. ...............................................................................1)Physics ............Measurements, Scalars and Vectors, Force, Friction in solids and liquids, Refraction of Light, Ray optics, Magnetic effect of electric current, Magnetism................................................................................ 2) Chemistry ............Some basic concepts of chemistry, States of matter: Gases and liquids, Redox reaction, Surface chemistry, Nature of chemical bond, Hydrogen, s-Block elements(Alkali and alkaline earth metals), Basic principles and techniques in organic chemistry, Alkanes........................................................................................ 3)Mathematics........ Trigonometric functions, Trigonometric functions of Compound Angles, Factorization Formulae, Straight Line, Circle and Conics, Sets, Relations and Functions, Probability, Sequences and series......................................................................................... 4)Biology........ Section I - Botany..... Diversity in organisms, Biochemistry of cell, Plant Water Relations and Mineral Nutrition, Plant Growth and Development....... Section II – Zoology........ Organization of Cell, Animal tissues, Human Nutrition, Human Respiration.............................................................................................
- 20 Apr
- 0 Comment
The MH CET syllabus will be consist of both 11th and 12th class of PCM/B.br /But most of the question are asked form the 12th class so prepare well from 12th class.br /approximetly out of the 150 question you will found 30 appprox question from 11th class.
- 04 Apr
- 0 Comment
- All the best for the CET paper, good luck!!
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a rel='nofollow' href="https://infomaticaacademy.com/mht-cet.html"MHT CET/a Syllabus 2019 - Candidates who appeared for the examination were required to check the syllabus of MHT CET 2019 which was released by the admission authority of the State Common Entrance Test Cell. MHT CET syllabus 2019 comprised of the 20% weightage from Class XI syllabus and rest 80% weightage from Class XII syllabus. The MHT CET 2019 syllabus helped the candidates know which topics are important from the exam point of view. Thus, candidates could go for important topics and avoid the rest. The syllabus comprised of the topics from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Candidates after knowing the exact syllabus could start with the preparation and plan accordingly for the MHT CET examination. Candidates can go through this article on MHT CET Syllabus 2019 for the complete details.