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prefer a book for preparation of uptu


  • Bipul
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • If you have enough time start then go through standard books and start studying,if about 2 months left just revise what you know,and if less than a month is remaining do as much of previous year as possible,if only a night is left just go through last 2-3 years papers think positive feel like winner,remind ur achievements and give ur best /In my view, we need to keep focus on the basics perfectly and then revise the previous papers of last years so that you can get the confidence that you can clear the exam.

  • If you have enough time start from scratch I.e go with standard books and start studying,if about 2 months left just revise what you know,and if less than a month is remaining do as much of previous year as possible,if only a night is left just go through last 2-3 years papers think positive feel like winner,remind ur achievements and give ur best shot.

  • for uptu u can go through with last years solved papers

  • For UPTU MBA exams the best books that can help you is::---br /1.for maths go for TATA mc graw hills & /2.for english go for D.G.P english /3.and purchase a oxford dixctionary and practice words from it /br / 

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