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Can anyone suggest me some preparation tips for GRE?

  • Madhu
  • 10 Answers
10 Answers
  • You can read this blog on GRE Preparation a rel='nofollow' href='' It will surely give some tips to score well.

  • Hlo Madhu,these are some tips to crack GRE:!--[if !supportLists]--1.    !--[endif]--Attempt every question as there are no negative marking in the exambr /!--[if !supportLists]--2.    !--[endif]--Read novels and books as it can help you in analytical writing /!--[if !supportLists]--3.    !--[endif]--The GRE exam mostly consists of English so make sure that you use precise words to elaborate your answer better. This can get you more marksbr /!--[if !supportLists]--4.    !--[endif]--Attempt the section first that you find the most /!--[if !supportLists]--5.    !--[endif]--Take online mock tests as it can help you prepare for the exam and for this I would recommend our Youth4work’s prep guru application as it has the most easiest interface and has mock tests for every /Check our youtube video:a rel='nofollow' href="" / br / br / br / br / 

  • For mastering GRE words, the best way, in my opinion, is to group words together that have a similar meaning. Through this approach, it becomes easier to remember a bunch of words in one /You can do this manually or use an app that has it done /There's an Android App called Tweak GRE Flashcards: a rel='nofollow' href='' /It has the 1000 most frequent GRE words arranged in clusters based on their common meaning. It's free and has no /Happy Learning! 

  • First thing is to keep in mind is to find the best study material and second thing you must find the Studypartner /studybuddy who will help you in your preparation .Nows days sites like studypal provides the study partner and studyspots to help you .have u heard off that .Third keep yourself update about the syllabus.

  • First of all you need to a study plan. Study plan is important because having a study will help you to get a good score in GRE. You should do the mock papers before you go for the test and the link is given below. You should need a good spoken and verbal English. Remember practice make a person perfect. br /link - a rel='nofollow' href=""

  • strongChoose the right study material/strongbr /br /Many students when preparing choose one book and stick to it. While there are many great books in the market, you have not mastered GRE if you finish one of them. Even if you start with one book, use other material as well to supplement / br /The other problem is that with the introduction of the web and smartphone, the preparation material available to you is abundant. It is easy to lose yourself trying to do everything. So instead choose your material and / br /Start simple, it will help you understand the concepts and once you have got a hang of it, work your way up to more advanced material. Do not try to do everything at the same time. In the end you will not have covered much. We would recommend you to start with the official ETS GRE / br /Also remember, when it comes to practice test material, make sure you take the right practice tests – preferably the a rel='nofollow' href=""official ones/a! If you take random tests, chances are that your results are not accurate thus messing with analysing where you / br /Also, Don’t be a serial test taker!br / br /The key is to understand when and how often these GRE practice tests should be taken. Exhausting them all at once as soon as you have started your GRE perpetration, for instance, is /br /strong. Create a study plan/strongbr /br /Depending on you exam date, create a plan / br /Your study plan needs to take into account the number of weeks you have left for the GRE test, your current GRE preparation level, and your target GRE score. Once you have the plan, you take a printout of it and stick it next to your study desk so you can look at it while studying (and get motivated too!).br / br /Once you have a concrete study plan you will feel charged up to complete it. It is the most simple and pain free way for you to start taking action!br / br /Not sure how to make a detailed GRE study plan?br / br /Then you can a rel='nofollow' href=""mail us/a at CrackVerbal and we will help you with a custom GRE study /strongBuild your mental stamina/strongbr / br /The GRE is 3 hours and 45 minutes long. You have 1 minute between sections and a 10 minute break after three / br /In long tests like these, it is very likely that by the middle of the test your concentration will begin to flag and the one minute between sections gives you barely enough time to catch your / br /So it is important to develop your endurance with sufficient preparation beforehand. Usually you begin practice with blocks of questions in the same category. It is easy to get caught up in it, but mastering concepts is only half the / br /Once you reach a level of comfort with the different sections individually, the next step will be to take full length practice / br /Schedule them in regular intervals over the last 2 weeks before the exam and identify the areas which take up most of your time. These are the areas which will probably tire you out the / br /Monitor the time closely and work on improving your / br / br /Here are some practical tips on how to stay focussed during your GRE test:br / br /-> To be able to focus for a longer time, it’s important to keep up your energy levels. Try to avoid junk food or anything that contains a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners before the / br /-> Your posture plays a vital role on your energy levels. So sit up straight and avoid shallow / br /-> You should practice the test under the same conditions you will take the test. So if you have booked a morning slot then practice taking your GRE mocks tests around the same time as you would on the actual test day

  • strongemuGRE PREPARATION TIPS:-/u/em/strongbr /strongemHOW TO PREPARE FOR GRE VERBAL REASONING- /em/strongstrongReading Comprehension form a big chunk of the GRE paper. Hence, practice as many reading comprehensions as possible for you. Treat it like mathematics. Practice at least two to three reading comprehensions in a day.  One of the majore GRE preparation tips  is that Grammar practice plays a very important part . It is not an easy task to learn all the rules of grammar. The easy way here would be to understand the basic usages and very importantly learn your tenses./strongstrongMake it a point to learn new words everyday. It is the most important GRE prepration tip. Most importantly, try and use fresh words in your sentences. It is always interesting to play with words and their formations. The exercise does not only introduce new words but also improves your vocabulary to a great extent./strongbr /strongemHOW TO PREPARE FOR GRE QUANTITATIVE REASONING/em/strongstrongem- /em/strongstrongIf you appearing for GRE it is imperative to make sure your concepts in elementary mathematics are clear. If not, it is time to dust and open your high school books again. The main topics in this section includes Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data analysis. However, instead of direct questions relating to the topics you will be asked questions needing application of the mathematical concepts. It means the exam tests your confidence in the topic. So, make sure you have your concepts clear before you take your GRE. So, make sure you have solved enough sample papers before the GRE.One of the effective GRE preparation tips is to solve as many sample papers as possible. Quant is one of the trickier sections fo GRE and it is always preferable to be prepared for the kind of expected questions./strongbr /strongHOW TO PREPARE FOR GRE ANALYTICAL REASONING:- /strongbr / strongYes, the trick is simple. Read as much as possible. It will develop your skills in forming an opinion . There is always a way of directing an argument in a manner that is convincing and that only comes from having knowledge on any given topic. Take a topic and start writing on it. Make sure the topic is argument based as the GRE test would necessarily present topics on argument is possible./strongbr /strongConsider these GRE preparation tips while writing:/strongbr /strong1.     Which direction do you want to give your argument? br /2.     Jot down all points for or against the /3.     Filter your points. Select only those points which are based on /4.     Divide your argument into sections to make your points clear./strongbr /strong /strongbr /strongFOR PREPARATION-  /strongstrongemua rel='nofollow' target="_blank" href=""GRE MOCK TEST/a/u/em/strong

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