1 Answers
- 14 Jul
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- paper will be English or Hindi in awes please give me ans
- does maths comes in prt exam?
- unable to get exact photo and signature size.. it should be less than the given size or exactly that one???
- what is the syllabus of pgt physics
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- How many army public schools are there in India? How many APS schools are there?
- what will be slybuss for pgt part 1?
- when will awes Hall ticket issued?already the date mentioned is 5th Jan.but till now no information about it
- what is the exam pattern and syllaybus of PRT
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army welfare education society (awes) pgt tgt prt
CTET exam Download Ctet apps or Prep guru apps .br /!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--br /!--[endif]--br /Preparation is the Key to Success – Start preparing for the exams well in advance. You should be spending a lot of your time studying and preparing for the exam. Get the right books to help you study. Apart from your textbooks, you can buy McGraw Hill Education books of CTET and Read the NCERTs.br /Practice Boosts Confidence Levels – Solve previous years’ question papers in order to understand your level of preparation. When you can get most questions right, it will boost your confidence and motivate you to perform well in the exam.br /Revise the important topic – Now you should focus on the topics you have already prepared. Pick up the subjects that you are most comfortable with, and revise it. We suggest you not to learn everything from scratch now. It will just add to your frustration and reduce your confident.