CTET Exam Pattern

What is the pattern for CTET Exam 2016?

Your Answer

Exam Pattern
For paper 1
·         Mode: Offline
·         Medium: Hindi/English
·         Total question: 150
·         Total marks: 150
·         Duration: 150 minutes
·         Divided into 5 sections: Child Development and
Pedagogy, Language I, Language II, Mathematics, Environmental Studies
·         No negative marking
    For paper 2
·         Mode: Offline
·         Medium: Hindi/English
·         Total question: 150
·         Total marks: 150
·         Duration: 150 minutes
·         Divided into 5 sections: 5 (Child Development and Pedagogy (compulsory), Language I (compulsory), Language II (compulsory), Mathematics and Science 60 MCQs 60 Marks (for Mathematics and Science teacher), Social Studies/Social Science.
·         No negative marking
Link to the whole Syllabus is given in the description
Application Form
o   Filled with online mode
o   The process includes filling the form, uploading of documents, payment of fees and printing the confirmation page.
o   Application fees:        General/OBC-For any 1 paper: Rs.700, For both papers: Rs.1200
                         SC/ST-For any 1 paper: Rs.350, For both papers: Rs600

watch our youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-R-KdB5HTU&list=PLKQu-ix31TLLe63_FXw97iuizBqPyctHl&index=2

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