syllabus for Assistant programmer

what topis to cover in ass. programmer in dmrc?

  • Siraj
  • 21 Mar
  • 2 Answers
Your Answer

The CBT will consist of two papers
Paper-I and Paper-II, to be held on the same day at the same centre.
Paper-I will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), on General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude.
Questions: 120 questions
Total Marks: 120
Duration: 1.5 hours
Paper-II will consist of objective type questions on General English to judge the knowledge of English language
Questions: 60 questions
Total Marks: 60
Duration: 45 minutes
There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted.

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