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Practice Tests for Logical Ability Dmrc Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

Problem on Age Calculation is a complicated topic and is the most time-consuming in all competitive exams including Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s (DMRC) exam. Try our practice test series and improve your speed to gain an edge over the others and crack the exam in one go.

Test of Direction Sense is tricky as students get confused a lot in this particular chapter. We have created this online questionnaire with so many different questions. Here you will get smart solution for your confusion. We have free online mock tests and sample papers for the preparation of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s exam. Try our free test series today.

Try our practice test series for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation exam (DMRC) and evaluate your understanding by sharing your scores and develop your skills by making numerous attempts. Blood relation is among the few concepts that are simple but confusing and can make you spend a lot of time and still get the answers wrong.

Coding-Decoding is a scoring chapter if you are prepared well. We have the largest collection of reasoning questions including this chapter. Give your preparation an extra finishing with our finely prepared questions for Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s exam and for other competitive exams as well. These papers and mock tests are free of cost for the coding decoding section.

Decision making questions asked in the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation exam (DMRC) can be attempted here at youth4work. Try questions from this section and know where your preparation from DMRC stands. Make multiple attempts with these free mock tests and sample papers to score maximum in the exam.

The number and Alphabet Series are among the trickiest chapters in logical ability. Learn them in the best and easiest way with youth4work’s free online tests. These test papers and free sample papers are available with the best collection of the questions for DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) exam. Give these papers for uncountable time and evaluate your performance.


Quantitative Aptitude

Logical Ability

General Awareness

Junior Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Computer Science