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Please share detailed syllabus for Pgt commerce dsssb exam 2018

dsssb exam 2018

  • Pooja
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • BUSINESS STUDIES AND MANAGEMENTbr /Introduction to Business– Concepts, characteristics, objectives. Classification of business as industry and commerce. Distinctive features of business – Business, profession, and employment. Choice of Form of Organization. Large Scale and Small Scale Business-.Assistance by Government to Small Scale /The form of Business Organization – Sole Proprietors, Joint Hindu Family, Partnership, Joint Stock Company and its formation, Cooperative /Business ownership– Private, public and Joint sector. Public Enterprises, Role dynamics of Public Sector, Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies), Joint /Business Services – banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, Impact of Technology on Business /Trade: Internal Trade Retail and Wholesale trade, Emerging modes of business franchise, E-business and Outsourcing. International Business–Export-Import – Procedure and documentation, EPZ/ SEZ. International Trade Institutions and Agreements – WTO, UNCTAD, World-Bank, /Business Finance: Sources – owners and borrowed fund, Sources of raising finance, Equity and Preference Shares, GDR, ADR, Debentures, Bonds – Retained Profit, Public Deposits, Loan from Financial Institutions and commercial banks, Credit-rating and rating agencies, Trade credit, /Social Responsibility of Business, Business Ethics, Environment /Management – concept, objectives, nature of management as Science, Art and rofession, levels, Principles of Management general and /Business Environment – meaning, importance, dimensions, changing the business environment–special reference to liberalization, privatization, and globalization, Business – a Futuristic /Management Function – Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and coordinationbr /Business Finance: Financial Management – meaning, scope, role and objectives, financial planning, Capital structure, leverage, Fixed and working capital – meaning and factors affecting its /Financial Market – Money Market-nature, instruments, Capital Market- Primary and secondary, Stock exchange, NSEI, OTCEI, Procedures, /Human Resource Management– meaning, importance, man-power estimation, Recruitment and selection, Training and development, Compensation, Performance Evaluationbr /Marketing – meaning, functions, and role, Levels of Marketing, Changing facets of marketing, Product-mix, Models of /Organizational Behaviors: Individual behaviors, Motivation–concepts and applications, Personality perception, Learning and attitude, Leadership and its approaches, Communication, Group /Emerging Trends in Management – Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management, Quality Circles, Benchmarking, Strategic Management, Knowledge Management, Business Standardization and /Consumer Protection – Meaning, importance, consumers’ rights, Consumers’ responsibilities, Consumer awareness and Legal redressal with special reference to Consumer Protection Act, Role of consumer organization and /FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSISbr /Accounting: Meaning, objectives, qualitative characteristics of Accounting information, Accounting Principles, Accounting concepts, Accounting standards, Cash and Accrual Basis of /The process of Accounting: Voucher, transaction, Accounting Equation, Rules of Debit and Credit, Book of original entry-Journal and Special Purpose Books, Ledger, posting from Journal and subsidiary books, Balancing of Accounts, Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors.Bank Reconciliation /Accounting for depreciation, Provisions, and Reserves, Bills of Exchange, Non-Profit Organization, Partnership Firms – Reconstitution of Partnership (Admission, Retirement, Death, and Dissolution), Account of Incomplete Records, Consignment, and Joint /Accounting of Joint-stock Companies: Share capital types of shares, accounting for the issue, allotment forfeiture and re-issue of shares. Debentures –types, issue, and method of redemption. Final Accounts of the Sole proprietor and Joint Stock Companies. Emerging trends in the presentation of Final /Accounting for /financial Statement Analysis: Meaning, significance, limitation. Tools for Financial Statement Analysis-comparative statements, common size statements, Trend analysis, accounting /Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement: Meaning, objectives, preparation as per revised standard issued by /Cost Accounting- Nature, functions. Job costing, Process costing, Marginal costing, Cost-volume-profit relationship. Cost control and cost reduction techniquesbr /Computers In Accounting: Introduction to Computers and Accounting Information System, Application of Computers in Accounting, Automation of Accounting process, designing accounting reports, MIS reporting, data exchange with other information system. Ready-made , customized and tailor-made Accounting /Accounting And Database Management System –meaning, concept of entity and relationship in an accounting system, Data Base Management System(DBMS) in /Inflation accounting and Accounting for Human Resource of an Organization and Social Responsibility.

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