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Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board PART EXAM 2017

DSSSB PART EXAM 2017 will be organized to recruit candidates for the various posts offered by the State Government of Delhi.

  • Neha
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • br /The DSSSB PART EXAM online registration process has ended on 21st August 2017. The candidates who were eligible to apply have appeared in the DSSS PART EXAM. There are around 1074 vacancies for the post of Lower Divison Clerks, (LDCs), Statistical Assistants, DASS (grade II and IV) and many /The examination will be conducted in a two-tier scheme;br /Tier 1br /Tier 2br /There will be objective type questions/ M.C.Q. The syllabus of the both the levels would be same but the difficulty level of tier 2 would be /The exam consists of 4 sections – General & Intelligence Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English /The exam will be in both languages English as well as /1.       strongMaintain Focus/strong: Though General Awareness is the key section (as you can attempt more questions quickly), you should prepare for all the 4 sections equally. Ofcourse you should play to your strength areas, but do not leave other sections /2.       strongIncrease Speed/strong: Distribute your time well between all 4 sections. This can be done if you understand and improve the time you take to attempt each /3.       strongImprove Accuracy/strong: With the application of learnt concepts, you need to keep improving your accuracy. Since the syllabus is huge, it is tough to cover all areas equally few days before the exam. It is, therefore, necessary to go through important areas once more, before the exam day. This will boost your confidence as well.

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